

AI Powered Cloud DevOps for Developers

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Stacktape discount

Stacktape discount

As a FounderPass member you will be able to get 50% off your first year of using Stacktape. Stacktape charge 30% of your AWS monthly billings so with our discount you'll only be paying 15% of your monthly billings for the first year.

What is Stacktape

Stacktape is a AI Powered DevOps infrastructure automation tool for developers deploying applications on AWS. AWS is the market leader in cloud platforms and has some really good startup programs and incentives but is notoriously complex for developers and technical founders to work with. Stacktape allows developers and technical founders to focus on their product rather than configuring and maintaining AWS infrastructure. Stacktape’s integration with GPT 3.5 allows users to use common language to describe the AWS and third party infrastructure resources required and Stacktape automates the creation of the cloud formation templates according to AWS well architected framework. As Stacktape integrates into a user’s AWS account users can leverage Stacktape to deploy to the AWS free tier and also consume AWS free credits.

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Why Stacktape  

Stacktape is a comprehensive DevOps Platform built for developers. Stacktape combines the best of application development productivity tools with powerful infrastructure automation that empowers developers to focus on the next killer feature rather than mundane repetitive infrastructure configuration. Using Stacktape developers can deploy their applications to 25+ AWS infrastructure resources from single config file. Stacktape provides prompts and supporting documentation throughout the deployment process and prevents deployments from being configured and deployed incorrectly saving developers significant time.

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