

Complete platform for powerful marketing automation

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FounderPass Premium members get:

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Save thousands • One annual fee for full access

or free members get:

$10,000 Credits

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FounderPass members get

$10,000 Credits

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FounderPass members get

$10,000 Credits
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Save thousands • One annual fee for full access
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Ortto Startup Credits

Ortto Startup Credits

Ortto offer you a complete platform for marketing automation bringing your customer data, marketing automation & analytics all into one place. The platform is designed to help support startups and businesses and heps them to find their ideal buyer as well as deliver experiences that are excellent and grow as you do.

We've teamed up directly with them to offer you $10,000 of free credits towards the plan of your choice, these credits are valid for 2 years.

FounderPass members get:

  • $10,000 in credits (USD)
  • Valid against the plan of your choice
  • Valid for 2 years

Eligibility criteria for this offer

Please note the following criteria requirements for this $10,000 of credits:

  • Your business must be  less than 2 years old
  • You must not have raised more than $3M (USD) in funding
  • You must have under 20 employees
  • You must not be an existing Ortto customer

Note that Ortto reserves the right to approve applications at their own discretion.

What is Ortto?

Ortto is a customer data, marketing automation & analytics tool, aimed at helping you have one platform to manage all of these and ultimately create better experiences for your customers.

The tool is designed for startups, SaaS businesses as well as large enterprises, meaning no matter your businesses size you'll be able to make use of this tool.

The whole process of signing up and setting up your account is easy and takes minutes, you'll also be able to take advantage of the 100's of templates pre designed which can help you to start even quicker.