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SEO content optimizer and AI writer

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Frase coupons

Frase coupons

If you're looking to write search engine optimized (SEO) content and want the help of AI then you should look into this tool from Frase, this helps you do all of this and when you combine this with our Frase coupons you'll be able to use the tool and save money.

We all know that content is an important part for any online business, ensuring that you have good quality written content can help you rank for keywords related to that content and Frase is an AI powered SEO focused content writing tool for helping you to do just that. Whether you're writing blog posts, product descriptions, social media updates, or emails, Frase helps you speed up the process by integrating research, writing, and optimization into one seamless workflow.

How to redeem this Frase coupon

If you're ready to sign up using a coupon code then simply use the link at the top of this page and enter the coupon code when you sign up during the billing and checkout process.

Step 1. Visit this Frase page

Step 2. Enter the coupon code seen at the top of this page during checkout

Step 3. You'll get 50% off your first month on the plan of your choice

These Frase coupons are for new customers only, so if you're an existing customer you won't be able to use this promo.

Who can use Frase coupons?

Put simply anyone who is not an existing customer can use our Frase coupons, simply make sure you go to the page via our link in order for the coupon and promo code to be verified.

Then enter the promo code during your checkout and you can enjoy a discount on your first month, it's a no brainer if you're planning to join for your SEO and content needs.

Frase free trial

For those looking for a Frase free trial then you're in luck, you can try any of the plans for free, whether this is the Solo, Basic or Team plan, plus they also have a free trial option for you to choose from which you'll see in the pricing plans below.

The specific Frase free trial plan gives you 1 document, 1 search query and 5,000 of AI generated words.

Frase free trial

If after the trail you want to upgrade to a paid plan you can do so easily and quickly, the plan you should go for will depend on the needs of you and your business. If you're a solo business owner then the 'Solo' plan may be best or the Basic one, for those with a number of employees the Team plan may be the best option for you.

About Frase

Frase is a popular tool in the SEO world, especially for those who write lots of content and want to help improve and speed up the process. As you'd expect it's core focus is on content and SEO and the main features are:

  • SERP Research Simplified - Analyze and condense top search results to quickly understand what content performs best for your target queries.
  • Competitor Content Analysis - Easily assess your competitors' content with an intuitive research panel that visualizes key metrics like word count and domain rating.
  • AI-Powered Content Briefs - Generate comprehensive, optimized content briefs in just 6 seconds, helping you outline your content faster.
  • Outline Builder - Curate and organize content outlines using headings from top SERP results, or let AI generate heading and sub-heading ideas instantly.
  • SEO-Optimized Copy - Produce full-length drafts and controlled outputs, such as blog intros and FAQs, using an AI Writer that tailors content based on SERP analysis.
  • Content Optimization - Use a topic model within the text editor to compare your content against competitors, identifying keywords and their optimal usage for better SEO performance.
  • Content Workflow Management - Develop and manage a repeatable content creation process with integrated templates, SOPs, and project management tools to scale your content strategy.
  • Seamless Collaboration - Collaborate effortlessly with freelancers and team members using in-product tools designed to streamline teamwork and document management.

Frase is a fantastic option for founders who are creating content that they not only want to be engaging but but also to rank highly on search engines. By using this tool to make your SEO content workflow more efficient and complete there is much more chance of your content doing better. Don't forget to take advantage of our 50% off first-month offer using our Frase coupons and start using this content tool today.