

Securely Share & Digital Sign Documents

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Save thousands • One annual fee for full access

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90% Off

Up to 90% off your first year on Standard or Advanced plans

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FounderPass members get

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Up to 90% off your first year on Standard or Advanced plans

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Up to 90% off your first year on Standard or Advanced plans
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DocSend Coupon Code

DocSend Coupon Code

We've teamed up with DocSend to offer you businesses like yours up to 90% off your first year with our DocSend coupon code. This incredible offer is available to companies in the SeedStage with companies in further funding rounds can take advantage of between 20-50% off. DocSend allows you to securely share documents in real time, giving you insights, seeing who's opened, how they've interacted and much more.

What discount you can get:

  • Seed Stage Companies with up to $2M in funding can get 90% off DocSend's annual Standard or Advanced plan for one year.
  • Series A Companies with up to $10M in total funding can get 50% off DocSend's annual Standard or Advanced plan for one year.
  • Series B Companies and beyond with up to $20M in total funding can get 20% off of DocSend's annual Advanced plan for one year.

All of the discounts above are valid for new DocSend customers, for one time only and valid on the first year when you purchase an annual plan. To apply to get the DocSend coupon code you need to simply fill in the form on the page that the button above sends you to.

About DocSend

As you may have realised from the logo, DocSend is now owned by Dropbox, good news as they've been able to integrate much of the technology they have with DropBox into DocSend, as well as make the two incredible compatible and integrated with each other. So if you're a Dropbox business you'll love this solution but fear not if you use other solutions such as Google Drive, One Drive, Box or if you don't use any cloud storage at all, as this solution is fantastic for all businesses no matter if you currently use cloud storage or not. DocSend is essentially the platform to go for when sending secure documents for your team, it allows you to manage, share and track your files very easily.

You can forget sending attachments, instead a simple link and you'll have so much more control, analytics, security and tools than you would ever have in the traditional way. This is just one of the many reasons that over 30,000 companies currently use DocSend as a solution, these include well known companies such as AirTable, BuzzFeed, Paramount and many more.

DocSend's best features

We're big fans of tools that help you share documents in a better way than traditional email, that's why we love DocSend, it allows you to send documents across your team as well as externally to companies you're working with or your clients or customers. The tool gives you advanced security and control over the files you sent, allowing you to turn off access with the click of a button whenever you need to, it also allows you to see real-time analytics, meaning you can see how people are interacting with the documents helping you to improve on these for the next time you send them.

One of our favourite features has to be the ability to update a file even after you've sent it, no more sending multiple emails with an 'updated' version attached each time, you simply update the document on DocSend and it'll automatically be updated for the people with access to it.

Other features we love is that you can easily create NDA's with a single click, saving not only yourself time but also saving time of the recipients of the document, of course one of the most popular features is the eSignature one, this as you can imagine allows people to digitally sign the documents you sent.

There are an array of additional features from dynamic watermarks to data rooms all of which are explained on the DocSend website in more detail if you so wish to explore them.

DocSend Pricing

As with the majority of software and tools within the document sending and signing world, the plans are per user per month, which is great as the price generally grows as your company grows which is to be expected. This is great for smaller companies as you can use the tool for a small price per month, larger companies can also then take advantage of it and pay for only the users they need. Couple this with the DocSend coupon codes that we've negotiated directly with the company itself means your first year will be extremely good value.