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Your Dream DevOps Platform

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$1000 off

$1000 off on Argonaut in the first year

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FounderPass members get

$1000 off
$1000 off on Argonaut in the first year

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FounderPass Premium members get:

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Save thousands • One annual fee for full access

or free members get:

$1000 off

$1000 off on Argonaut in the first year

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Free deal

You can get the following

$1000 off

$1000 off on Argonaut in the first year

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Argonaut Discount

Argonaut Discount

If you're looking for a DevOps platform which acts as a single pane for teams of engineers to automate app and infra depolyments to your cloud accounts then Argonaut is certainly something you should consider. We've teamed up directly with them to offer you a discount when you sign up to use them.

Connect your cloud and git repositories to manage multiple environments easily. Get started in minutes to:1. Provision AWS and GCP managed services like postgres, kafka, redis etc. with cost visibility2. Get Vercel-like app deployments from github or gitlab3. Deploy any 3rd party self hosted app or managed service like grafana, datadog, hasura, ghost, rabbitmq, and more.