

Find B2B Contact Data on Linkedin

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Kaspr Promo Code

Kaspr Promo Code

We've teamed up with Kaspr to be able to offer you a 20% discount for a full year no matter if you opt for the monthly or annual plan, redeemed via the link and promo code listed above.

What does Kaspr do?

Finding contact details for prospects on LinkedIn is a powerful way of growing your business, connecting with them and awaiting acceptance and then sending a message is a much slower process then emailing directly and this is where Kaspr comes into play. Kaspr helps you by finding the data you need to contact prospects and leads on Linkedin in one single click, saving you time and getting the data you need when you need it. Put simply you can get access to emails and phone numbers with one click with a Google Chrome extension that you can install.

The LinkedIn extensions means you don't need to leave your browser nor the LinkedIn page itself to see the contact details, other features include the ability to automate your outreach via LinkedIn as well as manage everything within the Kaspr dashboard.

It's really simple to use and can make your prospecting life far more successful as well as efficient, you can try it out for free and upgrade to a paid plan once you've tried it out.