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One place for contracts of all shapes and sizes

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50% off paid plans

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FounderPass members get

50% off paid plans

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Save thousands • One annual fee for full access

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50% off paid plans

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50% off paid plans

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Contractbook discount

Contractbook discount

We've teamed up with one of the best solutions when it comes to managing, producing and organizing your contracts and that company is called Contractbook. As a FounderPass member you'll be able to take advantage of our exclusive offer which gives you up to 50% off paid plans.

Contractbook offer

  • Enjoy an exclusive discount of up to 50% off paid plans

Eligibility criteria for this Contractbook offer

  • Discounts apply to annual plans,

*Discounts refer to annual plans for the listed services. They apply on renewal with continuous annual upfront payments. Early-stage discounts apply for companies with fewer than 25 employees (FTEs) and under €1M in total revenue (whichever comes first).

What is Contractbook? is a fantastic platform tailored for businesses that helps you in relation to contract management, the platform provides you with a streamlined approach to contract management and simplifies legal workflows.

It can massively help the way contracts are handled within your company, making it incredibly convenient and efficient. The platform lets you effortlessly create, store, and manage contracts, as well as offering an extensive array of tools, including contract templates, automated contract generation, e-signature capabilities, and contract tracking.

It's a comprehensive solution that ensures compliance and minimizes risks for your business. Collaborating with other team members, customers, client or so on is easy with the communication and negotiation features they have to offer.

By consolidating all contract-related activities in one secure location, Contractbook can save you valuable time, boosts productivity, and enhances your overall operational efficiency. Whether you run a small startup or a large enterprise.

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