

One app for website compliance (cookies)

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Axeptio Promo Code

Axeptio Promo Code

Axeptio are a compliance platform mainly around cookies and consent when it comes to your website. They help you manage cookies, terms and subscriptions all from one easy to use interface.

You can enjoy the following Axeptio discount:

  • 40% off your first year
  • You can enjoy this 40% off each project you have within your account
  • Offer valid for new customers only

Why use Axeptio

Cookie example

They're all about creating a consent management experience that not only follows the law but also gives your visitors real choices and boosts your brand appeal. If you're thinking of adding a Consent Management Platform to your site? Stop and think: why? If it's just about legal compliance, there's more to consider. In the real world, consent isn't just a legal thing; it's about how users feel and respecting their experience. That's why they've ditched the tech talk for a friendly, direct style. They want your visitors to feel valued and understood. Their cookie widget? It's the only one that makes visitors feel genuinely welcome.